born in 1996 (Montréal, Canada)
based in Brussels (Belgium)

Camille Poitevin is a french multidisciplinary artist based in Brussels. She lets herself be guided by her restless curiosity and explores images in all their shapes. From mapping to 3D scanning, the technique required by a new medium is never an obstacle. She prefers to tame it in her own way and make a more personal use of it. Because Camille does not create to satisfy our desires for contemplation, but rather to awaken our needs for introspection. Convinced that time for self-questioning is becoming too rare in a fast-paced world, that everything, even our relationships, is consumed mechanically and at high speed, she creates to make room for time. Time for awareness. Time for challenging the status quo. What the society peddles, Camille Poitevin seeks to freeze. Mixing different techniques, she strips, decomposes, diverts... Her works border on the absurd. To question what is certain. They create a lack. To query the overflow. A real emotional journey, perhaps the only one from now on to appreciate what surrounds and unites us. Camille Poitevin plays with our perceptions, shakes up our most ordinary beliefs and habits, the better to disturb - and even succeed in undoing? - what plays out in us on a daily basis.

Text: Anna Leonte Loron


2022, Master en Photographie avec Distinctions, ENSAV La Cambre, Bruxelles, BE
2018, Bachelor en Arts Appliqués, Concordia University, Montréal, CA
2017, Section Film et Vidéo, National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, IN

expositions personnelles
10.2023, 24h à vie, Salon des Ateliers Mommen, Bruxelles, BE
10.2022, Qui veu, qui sap, InCadaqués OFF, Cadaqués, ES

expositions collectives
2025, Art au centre, Liège, BE
03.2023, Are you still in one piece or are you already dissolved ?, Ateliers Mommen, Bruxelles, BE
12.2022-02.2023, Currents#10, Marres Huis voor Hedendaagse Cultuur, Maastricht, NL
12.2022, Contreplongées#1, Ateliers Mommen, Bruxelles, BE
07.2023, Graduation Show, Abbaye de la Cambre, Bruxelles, BE
06.2022, F.r.ictions, BPS22 Musée d’Art de la province de Hainaut, Charleroi, BE
03.2022, Tell Me Louder, HISK Gosset Site, Bruxelles, BE
03.2022, Le chant des sirènes, CAL, Charleroi, BE
06.2021, S’exposer, Hangar Art Photo Center, Bruxelles, BE

prix & publications
2023, Interview sur BX1, Les artistes de chez nous par Charlotte Maréchal
2022, Prix Servix
2022, Bourse de la Fondation Roi Baudouin
2022, Finaliste du Prix Laurent Moonens

co-curation & co-coordination w/ a02 Collective

04.2023, Contreplongées#2, projection, installation and performance event, Salon des Ateliers Mommen, Brussels, BE
12.2022 Contreplongées#1, projection, installation and performance event, Salon des Ateliers Mommen, Brussels, BE

2023, Héritières, réalisation et montage vidéo pour le projet d’exposition coordonné par Barbara Salomé Felgenhauer et Ellea Cartier, Halles Saint Géry, Bruxelles, BE
2023, Sans te revoir, installation vidéo en collaboration avec Jérome Boulanger, Bruxelles, BE
2023, Le Trempeur, série photographique éditoriale pour l’artiste Klara Fontibus, Bruxelles, BE
2022, Au dessus des os, film co-réalisé avec Barbara Salomé Felgenhauer, Lucine Letassey et Maëlle Helias, ENSAV La Cambre x ISBA Besançon x ASFA Athènes, Hydra, GR

03 & 09.2023, Salon des Ateliers Mommen, Brussels, BR
10.2021, Tompazi mansion, Artistic Annex of Athens School of Fine Arts, Hydra, GR

12.2022, Au dessus des os, Colloque Fixer l’archipel, FRAC Franche-Comté, Besançon, FR
04.2017, ACHE court métrage sélectionné à Regards sur le cinéma du monde, Paris, FR
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